Monday, September 23, 2013
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Persian Empire: Wherefrom Satan’s Horns Emerged

At that time in history, Iraq was part of the Persian Empire; the Prophet had dispatched an ambassador to the Persian Chosroes inviting him to Islam. The haughty Persian leader scoffed at the Prophet’s call, rejecting to accept the “lowly” Arab “barbarians” as spiritual leaders over and above the “mighty” Persians. Soon thereafter, the Muslim Ummah would be propelled into an all-out war with the the Persian Empire; Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab blitzed across Iraq and this is when the Fitnah began for the Muslims. The perceptive reader should keep in mind that before the fall of Persia, the Muslim Ummah was united under its Caliph and Dar al-Islam was expanding its borders. Right after the liberation of Iraq from Persian domination, the assassinations of Caliphs began.
The Muslims had indeed defeated the haughty and proud Persian Empire, but the Persians carefully planned their revenge. The Persian governor Harmuzan was pardoned by the Caliph, but he conspired against the Muslims to avenge his humiliating defeat. The conquered Persians plotted against the Muslims, and it was their conspiracy plans which no doubt the Prophet was referring to as “Satan’s horns”. It was from the ashes of the Persian Empire that the Shia sect was formed, a mix between Islam and Zoroastrianism as well as Persian nationalism.
The Persian governor Harmuzan became partners with Jafeena Al-Khalil and Saba bin Shamoon (whose son was Abdullah ibn Saba, founder of the Shia sect); these three men hired Feroz Abu Lulu, a Persian POW from Iraq, to assassinate Caliph Umar. Today, the modern day Persian Shia venerate Abu Lulu, and they call him “Baba Shuja-e-din” which can be translated as “Honored Defender of Religion.” These Shia have a shrine erected for this murderer, located in the Iranian city of Kashan called the Abu Lulu Mausoleum wherein he is buried. The Shia travel from far distances to pray inside this shrine, and many of the Shia fast on the day that Umar was killed, and even pass out sweets. Feroz Abu Lulu is one of the venerated founding figures of Shia ideology; the same people who conspired to kill Umar were the ones who planted the seeds of the Shia movement.
Abu Lulu was hired by three men, and the third of these three was the father of Abdullah ibn Saba, founder of the Shia faith. His intention in creating the Shia faith was to create a sect within Islam that would split its ranks, create disunity, and–quite frankly–to forever be a rebel movement against mainstream Islamic governments. And if we look throughout history, we find that the Shia have always been rebels and turncoats, one of the reasons they are referred to as “Rafidhis” (or turncoats). Not only they were turncoats, but these Shia were Ahl al-Bidah (People of Innovation) for they adultered Islam with their Magian beliefs. This was the Satan’s horn that emerged from the East, and no doubt this is what the Prophet was referring to.
The Persian governor Harmuzan became partners with Jafeena Al-Khalil and Saba bin Shamoon (whose son was Abdullah ibn Saba, founder of the Shia sect); these three men hired Feroz Abu Lulu, a Persian POW from Iraq, to assassinate Caliph Umar. Today, the modern day Persian Shia venerate Abu Lulu, and they call him “Baba Shuja-e-din” which can be translated as “Honored Defender of Religion.” These Shia have a shrine erected for this murderer, located in the Iranian city of Kashan called the Abu Lulu Mausoleum wherein he is buried. The Shia travel from far distances to pray inside this shrine, and many of the Shia fast on the day that Umar was killed, and even pass out sweets. Feroz Abu Lulu is one of the venerated founding figures of Shia ideology; the same people who conspired to kill Umar were the ones who planted the seeds of the Shia movement.
Abu Lulu was hired by three men, and the third of these three was the father of Abdullah ibn Saba, founder of the Shia faith. His intention in creating the Shia faith was to create a sect within Islam that would split its ranks, create disunity, and–quite frankly–to forever be a rebel movement against mainstream Islamic governments. And if we look throughout history, we find that the Shia have always been rebels and turncoats, one of the reasons they are referred to as “Rafidhis” (or turncoats). Not only they were turncoats, but these Shia were Ahl al-Bidah (People of Innovation) for they adultered Islam with their Magian beliefs. This was the Satan’s horn that emerged from the East, and no doubt this is what the Prophet was referring to.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
V. Killing Kharijites and heretics* after proof is established against them
The words of Allah Almighty, "Allah would never misguide a people after guiding them until He had made it clear to them how to have taqwa." (9:115)
Ibn 'Umar used to consider them to be the worst of Allah's creation. He said, "They took verses which were revealed about the unbelievers and then applied them to the believers."
[*mulhidin. According to the commentator, "It comes from inclining away from the truth and instead inclining to falsehood. In our times, it applies to someone who denies the existence of the Creator, or denies the divine deen revealed from Allah, or denies prophethood.]
6531. Suwayd ibn Ghafala related that 'Ali said, "When I report to you a hadith from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, by Allah, I would prefer to fall from the sky rather than lie about him. When I tell you something that is between me and you, war is deception. I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Some young and foolish people will come at the end of time who will speak from the best words of mankind, but their faith will not go beyond their throats. They will leave Islam like the arrow passes through game. Kill them wherever you meet them. On the Day of Rising the one who kills them will have a reward for killing them.'"
6532. Abu Salama and 'Ata' ibn Yasar reported that they went to Abu Sa'id al-Khudri and asked him about the Haruriyya*, "Did you hear the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say anything?" He said, "I do not know what the Haruriyya are, but I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Some people will emerge in this nation (and he did not say, 'from this nation") whose prayer will make you think little of your prayers in comparison. They will recite the Qur'an, but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through the deen as an arrow passes through game. The archer looks at his arrow, arrowhead and its fastening and is unsure about its notch, and whether there is any blood on it.'"
[*The Haruriyya are the Kharijites. The name is taken from Harura', a place in Iraq where they first gathered.]
6533. It is related that 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar mentioned the Haruriyya and said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "They will pass through Islam as the arrow passes through game.
VI. The one who did not fight the Kharijites in order to reconcile them and to ensure that people would not be averse to him
6534. Abu Salama related that Abu Sa'id said, "While the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was distributing [zakat], 'Abdullah ibn Dhi'l-Khuwaysira at-Tamimi came and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, be just!' He said to him, 'Woe to you! Who will be just if I am not just?' 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said, 'Give me permission to cut off his head!' He said, 'Leave him. He has companions whose prayer will makes yours seem paltry and whose fasting makes your seem paltry. They will pass through the deen like the arrow passes through game. One looks at his arrowhead and there is nothing on it. Then he looks at the mount of its head and there is nothing on it. He will look at its shaft and there is nothing on it. Then he will look at its feathers and there will be nothing on them, for it has been too fast for excrement and blood. Their sign will be a black man, one of whose arms is like a woman's breast, or a piece of meat palpitating. They will emerge when there are parties among the people.'"
Abu Sa'id said, "I testify that I heard this hadith from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and I testify that 'Ali fought them while I was with him. A man was brought with the description which the Prophet, , may Allah bless him and grant him peace, had given." He said, "Revealed about him were the words, 'Among them there are some who find fault with you concerning the zakat.' (9:58)"
6535. Yusayr ibn 'Amr said, "I said to Sahl ibn Hunayf, 'Did you heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say anything about the Kharijites?' He answered, 'I heard him say while pointing towards Iraq. 'Some people will emerge from there who will recite the Qur'an, but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through Islam as the arrow passes through game.'"
VII. The words of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, "The Final Hour will not come until two groups fight one another, while they claim the same thing."
6536. Al-A'raj related from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The Final Hour will not come until two groups fight one another, while they claim the same thing." VIII. What has come about those who use interpretation (ta'wil)
The Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari
Ibn 'Umar used to consider them to be the worst of Allah's creation. He said, "They took verses which were revealed about the unbelievers and then applied them to the believers."
[*mulhidin. According to the commentator, "It comes from inclining away from the truth and instead inclining to falsehood. In our times, it applies to someone who denies the existence of the Creator, or denies the divine deen revealed from Allah, or denies prophethood.]
6531. Suwayd ibn Ghafala related that 'Ali said, "When I report to you a hadith from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, by Allah, I would prefer to fall from the sky rather than lie about him. When I tell you something that is between me and you, war is deception. I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Some young and foolish people will come at the end of time who will speak from the best words of mankind, but their faith will not go beyond their throats. They will leave Islam like the arrow passes through game. Kill them wherever you meet them. On the Day of Rising the one who kills them will have a reward for killing them.'"
6532. Abu Salama and 'Ata' ibn Yasar reported that they went to Abu Sa'id al-Khudri and asked him about the Haruriyya*, "Did you hear the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say anything?" He said, "I do not know what the Haruriyya are, but I heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Some people will emerge in this nation (and he did not say, 'from this nation") whose prayer will make you think little of your prayers in comparison. They will recite the Qur'an, but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through the deen as an arrow passes through game. The archer looks at his arrow, arrowhead and its fastening and is unsure about its notch, and whether there is any blood on it.'"
[*The Haruriyya are the Kharijites. The name is taken from Harura', a place in Iraq where they first gathered.]
6533. It is related that 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar mentioned the Haruriyya and said that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "They will pass through Islam as the arrow passes through game.
VI. The one who did not fight the Kharijites in order to reconcile them and to ensure that people would not be averse to him
6534. Abu Salama related that Abu Sa'id said, "While the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was distributing [zakat], 'Abdullah ibn Dhi'l-Khuwaysira at-Tamimi came and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, be just!' He said to him, 'Woe to you! Who will be just if I am not just?' 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said, 'Give me permission to cut off his head!' He said, 'Leave him. He has companions whose prayer will makes yours seem paltry and whose fasting makes your seem paltry. They will pass through the deen like the arrow passes through game. One looks at his arrowhead and there is nothing on it. Then he looks at the mount of its head and there is nothing on it. He will look at its shaft and there is nothing on it. Then he will look at its feathers and there will be nothing on them, for it has been too fast for excrement and blood. Their sign will be a black man, one of whose arms is like a woman's breast, or a piece of meat palpitating. They will emerge when there are parties among the people.'"
Abu Sa'id said, "I testify that I heard this hadith from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and I testify that 'Ali fought them while I was with him. A man was brought with the description which the Prophet, , may Allah bless him and grant him peace, had given." He said, "Revealed about him were the words, 'Among them there are some who find fault with you concerning the zakat.' (9:58)"
6535. Yusayr ibn 'Amr said, "I said to Sahl ibn Hunayf, 'Did you heard the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say anything about the Kharijites?' He answered, 'I heard him say while pointing towards Iraq. 'Some people will emerge from there who will recite the Qur'an, but it will not go beyond their throats. They will pass through Islam as the arrow passes through game.'"
VII. The words of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, "The Final Hour will not come until two groups fight one another, while they claim the same thing."
6536. Al-A'raj related from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The Final Hour will not come until two groups fight one another, while they claim the same thing." VIII. What has come about those who use interpretation (ta'wil)
The Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Shiite Assassins and The Knights Templar had always been Allies during the Middle Ages Crusades
Below we gather quotes from regarding Assassins-Templar collaboration during the Crusades against Saladin in particular and the Sunni Muslims. Today their descendants, the 'Islamic' Republic of Iran (founded by Shiites) and the United States of America (founded by Masons; descendants of the Templar) are invading Iraq and conducting slaughter of millions of innocent Iraqi Sunnis under pretext of liberating Iraq from Saddam
"...Some of the nearest castles to the Assassin 'state' as it developed were the Templar castles of Tortosa (granted to the Templars in 1152) and Chastel Blanc." "The austere and spiritual Templars looking back to some imagined form of lost perfection, an exalted and nostalgic idea of an ideal order of chivalry, conscious themselves of their courage, loyalty and religious purpose, cannot have failed to recognize the goals and methods of the Assassins as close to their own. The same kind of men, not great noblemen but men from modest country manors who would have no role in the non-religious context, appear to have joined the Assassins and the Templars. There were essentially new men whose success derived from their search for personal and spiritual identity reinforced by the tight religious structure, rules and hierarchy of the two orders." "...The lay brothers, sergeants and knights of the Templars duplicate the lasiq (layman), fida'i (agent) and rafiq (companion) of the Assassins, while the knightly equivalent within the Assassins, the rafiqs, wore white mantels trimmed with red which correspond to the white mantle and red cross of the Templars." "The higher ranks of both orders, with priors, grand priors and Master, are also strikingly similar; prior, grand prior and Master correspond to da'i, da'i kabir and the Grand Master. In this context it is worth observing that while St Bernard provided the Rule of the Templars, the hierarchical structure seems to have come later and evidently from some other source." - Edward Burman, The Assassins - Holy Killers of Islam
"The famous question of the three thousand gold pieces paid the by Syrian branch of the Assassins to the Templars is another matter which has never been settled. One opinion holds that this money was given as a tribute to the Christians; the other, that is was a secret allowance from the larger to the smaller organization. Those who think that the Assassins were fanatical Moslems, and therefore would not form any alliance with those who to them were infidels, should be reminded that to the followers of the Old Man of the Mountains [Rashid al-Din Sinan, Grand Master of the Syrian Assassins fron 1162 to 1193] only he was right, and the Saracens who were fighting the Holy War for Allah against the Crusaders were as bad as anyone else who did not accept the Assassin doctrine."
"Pain and wrath invade my heart so that I almost think of suicide, or of laying down the cross I once assumed in honor of he who was laid upon the cross, for neither the cross nor his name protect us against the accursed Turks. Indeed, it seems clear enough that God is supporting them in our despite. "At one stride they have captured Caesarea and taken by force the strong castle of Arsuf. O lord God, what a hard road have the knights, the sergeants and the burghers taken, who were harbored within the walls of Arsuf! Alas! the losses of the kingdom of Syria have been so heavy that is power is dispersed for ever! "Then it is really foolish to fight the Turks, not that Jesus Christ no longer opposes them. They have vanquished the Franks and Tartars and Armenians and Persians, and they continue to do so. And daily they impose new defeats on us. for god, who used to watch on our behalf, is now asleep, and Mohammed (Bafometz] puts forth his power to support the Sultan." - Ricault Bonomel
"...Some of the nearest castles to the Assassin 'state' as it developed were the Templar castles of Tortosa (granted to the Templars in 1152) and Chastel Blanc." "The austere and spiritual Templars looking back to some imagined form of lost perfection, an exalted and nostalgic idea of an ideal order of chivalry, conscious themselves of their courage, loyalty and religious purpose, cannot have failed to recognize the goals and methods of the Assassins as close to their own. The same kind of men, not great noblemen but men from modest country manors who would have no role in the non-religious context, appear to have joined the Assassins and the Templars. There were essentially new men whose success derived from their search for personal and spiritual identity reinforced by the tight religious structure, rules and hierarchy of the two orders." "...The lay brothers, sergeants and knights of the Templars duplicate the lasiq (layman), fida'i (agent) and rafiq (companion) of the Assassins, while the knightly equivalent within the Assassins, the rafiqs, wore white mantels trimmed with red which correspond to the white mantle and red cross of the Templars." "The higher ranks of both orders, with priors, grand priors and Master, are also strikingly similar; prior, grand prior and Master correspond to da'i, da'i kabir and the Grand Master. In this context it is worth observing that while St Bernard provided the Rule of the Templars, the hierarchical structure seems to have come later and evidently from some other source." - Edward Burman, The Assassins - Holy Killers of Islam
"The famous question of the three thousand gold pieces paid the by Syrian branch of the Assassins to the Templars is another matter which has never been settled. One opinion holds that this money was given as a tribute to the Christians; the other, that is was a secret allowance from the larger to the smaller organization. Those who think that the Assassins were fanatical Moslems, and therefore would not form any alliance with those who to them were infidels, should be reminded that to the followers of the Old Man of the Mountains [Rashid al-Din Sinan, Grand Master of the Syrian Assassins fron 1162 to 1193] only he was right, and the Saracens who were fighting the Holy War for Allah against the Crusaders were as bad as anyone else who did not accept the Assassin doctrine."
"Pain and wrath invade my heart so that I almost think of suicide, or of laying down the cross I once assumed in honor of he who was laid upon the cross, for neither the cross nor his name protect us against the accursed Turks. Indeed, it seems clear enough that God is supporting them in our despite. "At one stride they have captured Caesarea and taken by force the strong castle of Arsuf. O lord God, what a hard road have the knights, the sergeants and the burghers taken, who were harbored within the walls of Arsuf! Alas! the losses of the kingdom of Syria have been so heavy that is power is dispersed for ever! "Then it is really foolish to fight the Turks, not that Jesus Christ no longer opposes them. They have vanquished the Franks and Tartars and Armenians and Persians, and they continue to do so. And daily they impose new defeats on us. for god, who used to watch on our behalf, is now asleep, and Mohammed (Bafometz] puts forth his power to support the Sultan." - Ricault Bonomel
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Present-day Shiites are descendants of the Prophetic Kharijites
The origin of Kharijism lies in the first Islamic civil war: a struggle for political supremacy over the Muslim community in the years following the death of Muhammad.
The third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan, was killed by mutineers in 656 AD, and a struggle for succession ensued between Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, and Muˤāwiyya, Governor of Damascus. (The core of ˤAlī's followers later became Shiites.)
In 658, ˤAlī's forces met Muˤāwiyya's at the Battle of Siffin; at first, the battle went against Muˤāwiyya, but then he hit upon the idea of having his army hoist Qur'āns on their lances, proclaiming that he wanted to have the decision of who should be Caliph arbitrated using it. Most of ˤAlī's army was favorable to the idea, and he agreed to have the question decided by two arbiters. Some in his army, however, regarded this as a betrayal; a large group of them (traditionally 12,000, mainly from the Bani Hanifah and Banu Tamim tribes) repudiated his cause, citing the verse, "No rule but God's", leaving to fight both sides. In their opinion, the right of arbitration was God's alone, and the choice of caliph should not be questioned by mere mortals. Thus they opposed both Muˤāwiyya for his rebellion and ˤAlī for submitting to the arbitration. They became known as Kharijites: Arabic plural Khawārij, singular Khārijī, derived from the verb kharaja "come out, leave the hold.
It is said that ˤAlī agreed to the arbitration in a clever scheme of his, so that he could identify the sect that the Prophet had warned him from. It is reported that the Prophet said to ˤAlī warning him of a future sect in Islam:
"Coming after me will be a sect that hurts me in my posterity. They will keep breaking away from the Muslims and opposing them. Kill them O ˤAlī, kill them, for they will be the supporters of the Antichrist."
(See the entry on Ad-Dajjal for Muslim belief in the Antichrist.)
The Kharijites fit the Prophet' description. So ˤAlī hurridly divided his troops and ordered them to catch the dissenters before they reach major cities and disperse among the population. A few decades later, the Kharijites used taqīyah "dissimulation" and assimilated and posed as the Shia of ˤAlī, especially that after ˤAlī's death and the death of his son Hussain 20 years later, most of the Ṣahāba "Companions" who supported ˤAlī had already died too either by age or on the hands of the Kharijites themselves so that they could not be identified, and then to seek protection from persecution which though started by ˤAlī but neverthless continued unabated by the Umayyads.
Abdullah ibn Abbas is said managed to persuade a number of them to return to ˤAlī. ˤAlī defeated the remaining military rebellion in the Battle of Nahrawan in 658, but the Kharijites survived and, in 661, assassinated ˤAlī. They had supposedly organized simultaneous attempts against Muˤāwiyya and ˤAmrū (one of the arbitrators at the Battle of Siffin), in their view the other main sources of strife within the Muslim community.
It is said that the bulk of the population who invited Hussein to come to them in Kufah were from those Kharijites' original tribes of Eastern Arabia (namely Banu Hanifa of Iraq and Ihsa'a up to ad-Dumat al-Jandal west). Those Banu Hanifa were not happy with Muhammad of the Quraysh controling all Arabia, while they were the heroes of Dhi-Qar. They tried to assassinate Muhammad. Another man criticized the Prophet for being unjust (incident for the above Hadith). Later a false prophet came out of them Musailemah, and they constituted all the Kharijites. These days they still live in south Iraq and Ihsaa as Shia of south Iraq.
Kharijites Summary
Signs Of The Hour
Kufa During The Days Of The Pledge Of Allegiance
Siapa Pembunuh AL-HUSEIN Ra?
Sunni yang Sunni
The origin of Kharijism lies in the first Islamic civil war: a struggle for political supremacy over the Muslim community in the years following the death of Muhammad.
The third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan, was killed by mutineers in 656 AD, and a struggle for succession ensued between Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, and Muˤāwiyya, Governor of Damascus. (The core of ˤAlī's followers later became Shiites.)
In 658, ˤAlī's forces met Muˤāwiyya's at the Battle of Siffin; at first, the battle went against Muˤāwiyya, but then he hit upon the idea of having his army hoist Qur'āns on their lances, proclaiming that he wanted to have the decision of who should be Caliph arbitrated using it. Most of ˤAlī's army was favorable to the idea, and he agreed to have the question decided by two arbiters. Some in his army, however, regarded this as a betrayal; a large group of them (traditionally 12,000, mainly from the Bani Hanifah and Banu Tamim tribes) repudiated his cause, citing the verse, "No rule but God's", leaving to fight both sides. In their opinion, the right of arbitration was God's alone, and the choice of caliph should not be questioned by mere mortals. Thus they opposed both Muˤāwiyya for his rebellion and ˤAlī for submitting to the arbitration. They became known as Kharijites: Arabic plural Khawārij, singular Khārijī, derived from the verb kharaja "come out, leave the hold.
It is said that ˤAlī agreed to the arbitration in a clever scheme of his, so that he could identify the sect that the Prophet had warned him from. It is reported that the Prophet said to ˤAlī warning him of a future sect in Islam:
"Coming after me will be a sect that hurts me in my posterity. They will keep breaking away from the Muslims and opposing them. Kill them O ˤAlī, kill them, for they will be the supporters of the Antichrist."
(See the entry on Ad-Dajjal for Muslim belief in the Antichrist.)
The Kharijites fit the Prophet' description. So ˤAlī hurridly divided his troops and ordered them to catch the dissenters before they reach major cities and disperse among the population. A few decades later, the Kharijites used taqīyah "dissimulation" and assimilated and posed as the Shia of ˤAlī, especially that after ˤAlī's death and the death of his son Hussain 20 years later, most of the Ṣahāba "Companions" who supported ˤAlī had already died too either by age or on the hands of the Kharijites themselves so that they could not be identified, and then to seek protection from persecution which though started by ˤAlī but neverthless continued unabated by the Umayyads.
Abdullah ibn Abbas is said managed to persuade a number of them to return to ˤAlī. ˤAlī defeated the remaining military rebellion in the Battle of Nahrawan in 658, but the Kharijites survived and, in 661, assassinated ˤAlī. They had supposedly organized simultaneous attempts against Muˤāwiyya and ˤAmrū (one of the arbitrators at the Battle of Siffin), in their view the other main sources of strife within the Muslim community.
It is said that the bulk of the population who invited Hussein to come to them in Kufah were from those Kharijites' original tribes of Eastern Arabia (namely Banu Hanifa of Iraq and Ihsa'a up to ad-Dumat al-Jandal west). Those Banu Hanifa were not happy with Muhammad of the Quraysh controling all Arabia, while they were the heroes of Dhi-Qar. They tried to assassinate Muhammad. Another man criticized the Prophet for being unjust (incident for the above Hadith). Later a false prophet came out of them Musailemah, and they constituted all the Kharijites. These days they still live in south Iraq and Ihsaa as Shia of south Iraq.
Kharijites Summary
Signs Of The Hour
Kufa During The Days Of The Pledge Of Allegiance
Siapa Pembunuh AL-HUSEIN Ra?
Sunni yang Sunni
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Links on The Twelth Imam from Global Security

Imam al-Mahdi (a) by Ayatullah Sayyed Sadrul-Ddin Sadr
AL-IMAM AL-MAHDI - THE JUST LEADER OF HUMANITY Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini Translated by Dr. Abdulaziz Sachedina
The Twelfth Imam
Has Al-Malhama Started, And We Don't Even Know It?
Imam Al-Mahdi (A-S)
Imaam Mahdi and the Signs that Will Precede Him
Jesus will return
The Signs of Qiyaamah & Hadhrat Imaam Mahdi alayhis-salaam
Al-Mahdi Journal
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Green Birds

The Messenger of Allah, salallahu alahi wasalaam, said: “When your brothers were killed at Uhud, Allah had their souls in the insides of green birds flying on the banks of the rivers of Paradise and eating from the fruits thereof. At night these birds spend their evening in lanterns hanging to the throne of Allah. When the martyrs saw the blessings they were in, they said: “Who would convey to our brothers that we are living in Paradise so they won’t ignore jihad and stop fighting?” Allah then revealed: “And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed on them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those after them who have not yet joined them- that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. They receive good tidings of favor from Allah and bounty and that Allah does not allow the reward of believers to be lost.” (Aal Imran 169-171)
[Abu Dawud & Muslim]
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Article: Kharijites - Origin
It is said that Ali agreed to the arbitration in a clever scheme of his, so that he could identify the sect that the Prophet had warned him from. It is reported that the Prophet said to Ali warning him of a future sect in Islam:
"Coming after me a sect that hurt me in my Itrati (posterity), They keep (meaning from time to time) coming out ( khuruj from Kharijites) against muslims, Kill them O 'Ali, kill them, for they will be the Syiah of Ad-Dajjal".
The Kharijites fitted the Prophet' description. So Ali hurriedly divided his troops and ordered them to catch the dissenters before they reach major cities and disperse among the population. The Kharijites few decades later used taqiyah and assimilated and posed as the Syiah of Ali especially that after Ali's death and the death of his son Hussein 20 years later, most of the Sahabah (companions of the prophet) who supported Ali, had already died too either by age or on the hands of the Kharijites themselves, so that they could not be identified, and then to seek protection from persecution which though started by Ali but neverthless continued unabated by The Umayyads.
Kharijites - Origin
It is said that Ali agreed to the arbitration in a clever scheme of his, so that he could identify the sect that the Prophet had warned him from. It is reported that the Prophet said to Ali warning him of a future sect in Islam:
"Coming after me a sect that hurt me in my Itrati (posterity), They keep (meaning from time to time) coming out ( khuruj from Kharijites) against muslims, Kill them O 'Ali, kill them, for they will be the Syiah of Ad-Dajjal".
The Kharijites fitted the Prophet' description. So Ali hurriedly divided his troops and ordered them to catch the dissenters before they reach major cities and disperse among the population. The Kharijites few decades later used taqiyah and assimilated and posed as the Syiah of Ali especially that after Ali's death and the death of his son Hussein 20 years later, most of the Sahabah (companions of the prophet) who supported Ali, had already died too either by age or on the hands of the Kharijites themselves, so that they could not be identified, and then to seek protection from persecution which though started by Ali but neverthless continued unabated by The Umayyads.
Kharijites - Origin
Syiah of Ad-Dajjal
It is reported that the Prophet said to Ali warning him of a future sect in Islam:
"Coming after me a sect that hurt me in my Itrati (posterity), They keep (meaning from time to time) coming out ( khuruj from Kharijites) against muslims, Kill them O 'Ali, kill them, for they will be the Syiah of Ad-Dajjal".
"Coming after me a sect that hurt me in my Itrati (posterity), They keep (meaning from time to time) coming out ( khuruj from Kharijites) against muslims, Kill them O 'Ali, kill them, for they will be the Syiah of Ad-Dajjal".
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Crimes of the Zionist terrorist Ariel Sharon

Ariel Sharon
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The Islamic Position on Terrorism, Suicide Bombings, and Hijackings

The Islamic Position on Terrorism, Suicide Bombings, and Hijackings
Friday, May 18, 2007
Free E-book: TERRORISM: The Ritual of the Devil
Throughout their entire lives, everyone is at war with an enemy, the extent of whose strength and influence they perhaps fail to fully comprehend. The main feature of this enemy is subtlety. He constantly invites mankind to commit evil, and many people he uses without them even being aware of it. Those who are constantly in conflict with others, who always believe that violence is the answer, who take pleasure in brutality, murder, chaos and anarchy, in short, those who harm the peace and security of the world, have lost the war against this foe, whether they realize it or not, and have fallen under his control. This most dangerous enemy is the Devil, described to us in all his aspects by God in the Qur'an. The Devil is a force who, ever since the time of the Prophet Adam, has been doing all in his power to turn man away from God. One of the most common errors people commit is their failure to adequately estimate the Devil, that one who incites them to wickedness and leads them to Hell. The fact is, however, that the Devil poses a serious danger to man, and is his declared enemy.
TERRORISM: The Ritual of the Devil
TERRORISM: The Ritual of the Devil
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