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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

9/11 and Al-Qaeda Link on the American dollar bill

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Crimes of the Zionist terrorist Ariel Sharon

Ariel Sharon, Israel's Prime Minister has been part of the Israeli army for more than 25 years and active politician for more than 30 years, only shortly interrupted in 1983, when he resigned as Defense Minister after a government commission found him indirectly responsible for the September 1982 massacre of Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Sharon has been the driving force behind Israel's settlement construction and its systematic violations of human rights. In early february 2004, at the peak of international criticism of Sharon's project of the Wall, Sharon introduced his "disengagement" plan.

Ariel Sharon

The Hijacked Caravan

The Hijacked Caravan:
Refuting Suicide Bombings as Martyrdom Operations in Contemporary Jihad Strategy


Egypt, Islam and Democracy

Anatomy of Egypt's
Militant Islamic Groups

Egypt, Islam and Democracy

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Islamic Position on Terrorism, Suicide Bombings, and Hijackings

Learn what orthodox Salafi Scholars say concerning the what has become widespread in contemporary times of the ideologies of terrorism, suicide bombings, and hijackings, protests and revolutions as independent means of reform and societal change, clothed in garb of Islam and Salafism. These are no more than the sickly outward expressions and practical requirements of the doctrines of the likes of Sayyid Qutb as exemplified in the actions of contemporary Takfiri, Jihadi and Kharijite renegade sects, masquerading their actions as Islam and masquerading themselves as Salafis.

The Islamic Position on Terrorism, Suicide Bombings, and Hijackings